
Saturday, 5 January 2013

12 Painful Things


Hello everyone.
Did you ever felt in pain when something bother you?
Most of people must have felt this kinda thing once in a lifetime.
Maybe twice. Or maybe more than we ever feel.
So let check this out. I wanna share 12 things that make most of us fell in pain.

1.   Bringing back the feeling you’ve learn to forget.

2.  Trying to hide what you really feel.

3.  Loving someone who loves another.

4.  Having commitment with someone you know would not last.

5.  Taking risk to fall in love again.

 6.  Loving a person too much. 

7.  Accepting that it was never meant to be.

8.  Pretend that you don’t love someone when you really do.

9.  Been treated like shit for no reason.

10.Have a hopeless crush on someone that had no chance with.

11. Forget someone who gave you so much to remember.

12.Falling for someone that we never planned.


p/s broken hearts hurt than broken bones!
xoxo z.jay :-)

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